
Shout out to the mage hub contributors

Dev and site maintainer
Everything Fire
Dungeon guides
Who are you?.

My name is Toegrinder. I am a contributor to Mage theorycrafting and a guide writer. I am the Guild Master and Raider in Myst on Tarren Mill EU.

Why the should I listen to you?

I've been writing guides for 6 years now. I've been Mythic raiding for a long time and raiding at a Hall of Fame level since that achievement came out. I've achieved the rank 1 Mythic+ title in multiple seasons. While also being the GM of a guild raiding at this level.

My goal is to create the best mage content without being constrained by templates that need to work for 38 specs, without having to write clickbait articles every now and again, and without having to plaster the entire site in invasive ads. I want to build guides the way I think can teach the community the best and I try my best to teach one how to fish rather than giving them a fish.

I would not be able to do the work I do without the help of the people who put endless work into simc for no gain. Massive shoutouts to Dorovon, Sergrand, and Norrinir especially. They are the real MVPs behind this community.

I do not do any of my work with monetisation in mind. It's a hobby and passion project, that said if you want to support me my socials and donation link can be found below. Bare in mind that I do not do anything gaming related as my job, my job pays me fine, and server costs to maintain this website are minimal. That said it does take a lot of effort to build and maintain, so if you want to support the site I appreciate you.

Personal FAQQ: Do you do coaching?

A: No I don't. Everything I can do to try and teach the community I try to make as public as possible.

Q: Are you full time?

A: I am not, I am a software engineer. Everything I do here is a passion project and for the community, mainly because in another life I'd want to be a teacher.

Q: Can I contribute to the site?

A: I'd like to maintain ownership over the main parts of the site right now as its my baby project. That said I'm open to hosting other types of guides. If you've got ideas for another page or guide type that you think would be useful and you're willing to contribute/maintain, reach out to me and we can talk about it.